Dragon Fruit Photography & Design is brand I created for my freelance photography and design services. The name speaks to fresh, exotic, bright and creative style I brings to my work as a photographer, designer, food stylist. Below are some example.

Dragon fruit became the icon and name for this brand.

Dragon fruit became the icon and name for this brand.

Website created using Squarespace. Design like the logo is clean, crisp, modern, bright and trendy.

Website created using Squarespace. Design like the logo is clean, crisp, modern, bright and trendy.

Blog header repeats the image from the professional website for consistency and brand identity. Blog design using wordpress. With google analytics set up for monitoring of both site activities.

Blog header repeats the image from the professional website for consistency and brand identity. Blog design using wordpress. With google analytics set up for monitoring of both site activities.


Logo design

Agnes also worked on a number of logo designs for various companies.